Slavery in puerto rico was forced and the slaves were hard workers. In the early 1500's People from Africa were brought over to puerto rico. Over time they became Afro- puerto ricans (Bowman). Slave trade started when the spaniards "needed workers, and used the slaves imported from the Atlantic slave trade as labors". In 1873 slavery in Puerto rico ended. (Bowman) This shows that there were africans were being brought over all over the Atlantic and forced to do things for them.
resistance in puerto rico brought more people over and slave resistance grew. As slavery continue to grow, Slaves started to revolt back. "As the revolts grew and the number of enslaved Afro- Puerto Ricans increased, Puerto rico's governor General Juan Prim y Prats, put forth a law to corral local Blacks in May of 1848". (Carrillo). This shows that as more people were brought over and slavery grew they started to resist and which they gained and abolished slavery in puerto rico.